Common Cord-Grass Spartina anglica
Common Cord-Grass Spartina anglica Scolt

A relitively new hybrid in the last century, between a native Spartina maritima and an alian Spartina alterniflora from the US is now an established part of the Scolt head saltmarsh Flora, an not appearing to be so invasive on the Saltmarsh as on the south coast but one to keep an eye on.

Location: Scolt Head Island

Photographer: Baz Scampion

Common Cord-Grass Spartina anglica Scolt

A relitively new hybrid in the last century, between a native Spartina maritima and an alian Spartina alterniflora from the US is now an established part of the Scolt head saltmarsh Flora, an not appearing to be so invasive on the Saltmarsh as on the south coast but one to keep an eye on.

Location: Scolt Head Island

Photographer: Baz Scampion